Get a specific child tag from a DomElement in PHP


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I am walking through a xml definition file and I have a DOMNodeList that I am walking through.I need to extract the contents of a child tag that may or may not be in the current entity\[code\]<input id="name"> <label>Full Name:</label> <required /></input><input id="phone"> <required /></input><input id="email" />\[/code\]I need to replace ????????????? with something that gets me the contents of the label tag if it exists.Code:\[code\]foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('required') as $required){ $curr = $required->parentNode; $label[$curr->getAttribute('id')] = ?????????????}\[/code\]Expected Result:\[code\]Array( ['name'] => "Full Name:" ['phone'] => )\[/code\]