Generic xml -> html conversion using xslt and convention?


New Member
I have been scouring the web for something like this and being a lazy programmer, before I attempt to do so myself, I thought I would ask here.What I would like is a method to take any xml with node names following a convention (like cakephp or ruby) and then for that data to be presented in a ready to print\[code\]<xml><home_address>The Street</home_address></xml>\[/code\]to:\[code\]<tr><td>Home Address</td><td>The Street</td></tr>\[/code\]etc. with children having separate tables.It seems pretty straightforward and something that would have been desired many times before. I found one useful discussion, but with no conclusion. I missed something here? Is there a simple generic xslt/css method for doing this? Or is this work being repeated hundreds of times a day in cubicles around the world?Thanks in advance,F