Generating the title's for alot of HTML pages<


I'm working with alot of files, and basically just need to know how to take the file name and add it to the title.

The files are like this for example: led_zeppelin-kashmir.html

and I would need it to automatically take the file name and add it to the title so the end result would look like this: - Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

Anyone know how to do this?

Another example just in case, would be like this...

Filename: rolling_stones-paint_it_black.html

End result for title of this html file: - Rolling Stones - Paint it BlackWhat server-side scripting language are you going to be using to accomplish this? You could do this with Javascript too from the client-side. However if you want to do it server-side (which is a lot better in this case), then tell us what languages you are willing to work with and if you don't know, the tell us what is supported by your server! :) (e.g. ASP, PHP, Perl, etc...)Hi Anthony, I just figured out how to do it with PHP!

So scratch that question, but I have another question if i can!

Here's the code that did the trick:

// Set main title
$mainTitle = "";

// Get the name of the current file, minus its extension
$curFile = basename(__FILE__, ".php");

// Replace all the "_" with spaces
$curFile = str_replace("_", " ", $curFile);

// Split it up to Artist and Song by the "-"
list($artist,$song) = explode("-",$curFile);

$fullTitle = $mainTitle . " - " . $artist . " - " . $song;
<title><?= $fullTitle ?></title>

Is there any way to capitilaze the first letter of each word?

Just to make it look a little more professional...

Cause right now the title it's showing looks like this for example: - rolling stones - paint it black

Is it possible to make it: - Rolling Stones - Paint It Black ?Originally posted by Tabble
Hi Anthony, I just figured out how to do it with PHP!

So scratch that question, but I have another question if i can!

I'd love to help you, but I don't know much about PHP! :( I'm sure someone will help you out soon enough though! :)Ucfirst(STRING) -- Returns a string with the first letter of STRING in uppercase. For instance, ucfirst("abcd") returns "Abcd"

that should do itActually Kram, I think a better method would be
as this capitalizes the first letter of every word in the string whereas ucfirst only capitalizes the first letter in the string

Here is the example:
$foo = 'hello world!';
$foo = ucwords($foo); // Hello World!

$bar = 'HELLO WORLD!';
$bar = ucwords($bar); // HELLO WORLD!
$bar = ucwords(strtolower($bar)); // Hello World!
?>Well i didnt even know that function existed, good one Bica! :)It's a handy-dandy little tool eh?yeah that may actually come in handy with my project...coolHey, thanks for the ucwords code. :)

But i've tried it a bunch of different ways and can't seem to get it to work.

Will it work with the title tags?

Maybe you can tell me, using this code:

// Set main title
$mainTitle = "";

// Get the name of the current file, minus its extension
$curFile = basename(__FILE__, ".php");

// Replace all the "_" with spaces
$curFile = str_replace("_", " ", $curFile);

// Split it up to Artist and Song by the "-"
list($artist,$song) = explode("-",$curFile);

$fullTitle = $mainTitle . " - " . $artist . " - " . $song;
<title><?= $fullTitle ?></title>

Where you would put the ucwords code and what the code would be? To get the first letter of every word in the title to be upper case.

I tried $artist = ucwords($artist)

and a couple of variations of that... Am I way off?

Cheers!<title><?= ucwords($fullTitle) ?></title>Thanks scoutt! It worked! :)!? sigh if only I could test my PHP.Get phpdev or install apache and php standalone.