Generating Excel-compatible XML files from Mathematica


New Member
Excel can save its Workbooks in the "XML Table" format preserving all the formatting and styling information and then open and edit them as native Excel workbooks. I wish to generate such files by Mathematica for Excel programmatically adding formatting information for rows, columns, cells etc. The first stumbling problem is that even when I \[code\]Import\[/code\] Excel-generated file in Mathematica and then just \[code\]Export\[/code\] it backward to \[code\]"XML"\[/code\] the resulting file cannot be opened by Excel. Opening it in a text editor shows that this file contains apostrophes instead of quotes. Adding the \[code\]"AttributeQuoting" -> "\""\[/code\] option to \[code\]Export\[/code\] fixes this but the resulting file still cannot be opened by Excel. More careful comparison shows that \[code\]Export\[/code\] also drops the most of namespace prefixes in the generated file. How to generate Excel-compatible XML files from Mathematica?P.S. This question comes from the previous question: "How to export to Excel numbers as text fields from Mathematica?"