Generated page from XMLHTTP Request is not used by Save As a


Staff member
I'm developing a intranet solution for my company based on XMLHTTP. I useXMLHTTP to send a request to the web server instead of using the HTML Formbecause I want to modify the returned page (responseText) on the client sidebefore displaying it in IE5.var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");"GET", strURL, false);xmlhttp.send("");strDocText = xmlhttp.responseText;strDocText = strDocText.replace ("Service Desk Lite", "ServiceDesk");strDocText = strDocText.replace ("Ad-hoc Download - Transaction data", "CustomData Query");document.write (strDocText);After displaying returned responseText in IE5, I click on File -> Save Asor File -> Send -> Page by Email. What I save or send is the original page(the page that submits the request), not the returned page (responseText).However, click View -> Source displays the responseText. I even tried toclear the document (document.clear), reload (location.reload) and open anew window for writing the the responseText, but what I got when save asa file or send by email is the original page. Any suggestion or workaroundon this problem would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance,Phong TranLuminate