general update query


New Member
hi guys .. i've never been on the server side of vbulletin before but recently bought my own website. i managed to get a 3.6.5 version of vbulletin running on my site however im looking to update it to 3.6.8 (patch 2 if possible) how would i go about doing this ? sorry if this is an idiotic question but i've never touched any servers whatsoever until the last day or two.

any help would be greatly appreciated.
Itsuki Minami said:
if you got license, well then i will stick to 3.6.5 if you update with a nulled version, you will have nulled files

To set a few things right:
You should definitely upgrade to 3.6.8PL2, unless you wanna fall for some nice XSS and SQL injection exploits which were found in prior versions. So sticking to 3.6.5 is a really good idea if you plan on having your site hacked by some stupid script kidz.....

Jelsoft as such doesnt care about the files being nulled. That is not what they check for. They check their URL/License Database against the site in question, if it shows up everything is a ok. If it doesn´t you will be talking to Howard sooner or later.

Only thing you should avoid when running a nulled version with a legit license is to remove the Copyright unless you got a branding free license. Other than that i don´t see the need to run a nulled version if owning a legit license. Where´s the point ?

And to clear up the question about "what´s a null" ?:
It is a version having removed callback/call home functions to the owner of the script, such as version checking and stuff.
ok .. i had 3.6.5 which im fairly sure was not a legit version as the host set it up for me and i cant see him forking out for the license. so to upgrade it to 3.6.8 pl2 i just copy the Upload folder (not including the install.php) to the server , and then go to the keygen page thing ?
depending on whether you use the keygen version or not.
As i don´t think you are that experienced i´d suggest the non keygen version for you to use. Upload all files from the upload folder, overwriting the old ones. When done uploading simply call http://yourdomain/forumpath/install/upgrade.php and it should guide you through the actual upgrade steps.
thank you loads for the help before :) got it up and running now ..

just trying to install ibproarcade now and im on the Now CHMOD the /arcade directory and all its subfolders to 0777 step .. how on earth do i do that ?
goto your ftp were the uploaded files are.. right click the arcade directory and the CHMOD properties are in that list that pops up ;)