I need some recommendations (links, articles, books,...) how to start working on the following project:A MSSQL database which is yet to be created will contain a couple of dozen tables. I want to create an asp.net website where I search these tables and output the according result. Basically you can think of it as an "advanced search" where one can use multiple input fields to run a query.Do I need to create classes, objects, etc. in C# to deal with this and can/should I create the database with Visual Studio (maybe with a plugin)?For example what do I do when a column is added or removed from a table? Or a new table needs to be added relating to another table? Does this break anything? - I'd like it to be flexible like I could with classes.I found some examples using only one table but I would like to see how this works with a relational db-setup. I'm not even thinking about the actual queries just the process of how to dig into this topic would already be helpful.I could also live with a non-asp approach like WPF for example but I doubt it would make things easier.Maybe you have some examples / design (brain) patterns that I could get started with.thank you.