General Question

I am creating a website for an outside company and there are a couple of important documents. On a lot of pages there are links to these documents. Basically there are links to thes documents all over the place. Is there such a thing as linking to a document too many times? OR does anyone have any other suggestions on how to organzie the site?<br />
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Thank-You<br />
lludlow<!--content-->Originally posted by lludlow <br />
I am creating a website for an outside company and there are a couple of important documents. On a lot of pages there are links to these documents. Basically there are links to thes documents all over the place. Is there such a thing as linking to a document too many times? OR does anyone have any other suggestions on how to organzie the site?<br />
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Thank-You<br />
lludlow <br />
i dont know if it can be in much worse of a webed up mess as one site i worked with over the summer, but you can always pray that lightening hits the server and any other system that may have a backup copy! What variables are involved? will you be doing a complete re-design? what format are the pages in? (is everything static?) and finally, how much do they want to spend?<br />
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making the aparent simple complicated, then simple again<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->could always have a page with links to everything instead of the links all over the place.<!--content-->technically there is no such thing as linking to a document too many times. Many websites use what is called a "sitemap" that lists all of the important links to the various main sections and sometimes to lower levels of the website. <br />
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If you're text is black over white and filled with many blue underlined hyperlinks throughout the text it may become visually ugly and if the links go all over the website it can become confusing to what is called navigation. <br />
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