General question about graphics and .net


I've been programming in .net for some time but did not get into any fancy graphics or what not. Lots of basic user interfaces with lots of code behind and what for business applications. I'm now moving away from simple interfaces and want to start making things look "pretty" but it seems that working in Visual Studio with asp tags is much more difficult than working in something like dreamweaver with regular html tags.

An example is that I have designed a table that I like in dreamweaver with html and now would like to have something similar in .net with the ability to add rows from the code behind.

So my question for all is what do you use to make things "pretty" and still maintain the functionality of using .net. Is there something I'm missing out there? Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated.I use CSS along with graphics created in PhotoShop. Aside from using tables, general design guidelines in HTML can also be used in ASP.NETThanks, for the response. I guess I need to just play around more with it but the tables things really kills me since I seem to get nice looking html tables working with dreamweaver and then when I try to apply the same settings to an asp table in visual studio they don't act the same or don't look as sharp. It sounds like it'll just come down to tinkering.