general html


I am new to html. I understand the very basic general rules for using inline images - i.e. <img src="...gif">. However, when I go to these free clipart cites, they give me an address that ends in .html, and a picture that ends in .gif, but I do not know how to figure out what command I need to give to get the picture to appear on my cite. IS this question nonsensical? Does anybody know what I am talking about?<!--content-->Ok I think I got your question.I guess what you want to do is get those pictures in those clip art sites to appear in your site.If you want any picture from that site then first save those pictures and then upload them to your server.Then make a link from your site to the images in your server.To make a link from your site to the picture in your server use the <img src="...gif"> tags.<!--content-->The best way to get an image to appear on your site is to do the following:<br />
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When you see an image you like from a free clipart site (or any site, so long as you have poermission), right click the mouse button on the image. This will bring up a menu which will give you the option to 'Save Picture As...' Click on this, and a standard 'Save Picture' file menu will appear. Save the image on your server/computer as a .gif, .jpg, or whatever you like really. Then, as you have obviously worked out, use the <img src="*savedimage.gif*"> tag to refer to this saved image on your web page. <br />
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You can link directly to images on other web sites (by viewing the page source and referencing through to the image via the URL...), but people tend not to like it when you do that, so the best way is the way I've outlined above. <br />
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Hope that helps. ;)<!--content-->When you see the HTML ending, I am guessing they just redirected you to a new web page that shows the particular image you are wanting.<br />
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You will have to "right click" on the image and "Save As" to your computer. This is because you want to have the image, not the sample web page they are showing it on. So the image will be a GIF or JPG file type.<br />
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After that, upload the image to your online area and do your <IMG> tag as you normally have been doing.<!--content-->I have a question that kinda fits into this catagory. I, too, am new to the world of webpage design, so mind the ignorance. OK, i want to upload pictures onto my web site, but the pictures i scanned all end in ".max" How do i go about changing them to the JPG or GIF format?<!--content-->go get a program to convert them to .jpg or .gif<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> is a real good one.<!--content-->OK. i Download <!--more-->ed the program. what would be the next step?<!--content-->ok, the scanner software you used should have a place where you can export them to either that irfanview program or export as a jpg. the only thing is when you do that the image will be very large, just open them into the irfanview program to resize them and then save them again.<!--content-->right on. thanks<!--content-->