Geek Article and Review System 2.1.8c


New Member

Originally, I looked into other article systems to integrate with my forums but just got irritated over and over again as I found the other offering out there very limiting for my needs. I wanted to use my members usergroup permissions, the search facility (so when someone did a search for 'bob' both articles AND threads appeared on one page), I also wanted wysiwyg editing and vBs attachment system. Well, I accomplished 99% of my needs with the Geek Article System 2.0
Why 3.0? While the 2.0 was fine for my needs, many users began asking for a far more complex system that took the beauty of 2.0 and added popular features in the other article systems.

Here are the features in a nutshell:

* Integrates 100% into vB. No importing forums or creating special groups. Simply mark forum as an 'Article' forum and instantly all threads become articles. Dont like it anymore? Simply remove the ID and the therads and forums go back to normal.
* Whatever you can do in a thread or post, you can do with the GAS3 system (uploading attachments, smiles, BBcode, various editors, yadayadayada)
* Adding on the above point: all the differing vB editors (wysiwyg, etc..), usergroup permissions (heck - anything you can set for a forum you can set in this - AND MORE!) why> because it is totally integrated!
* Create multiple pages in your post by simply putting [BREAK] anywhere in your post.
* The first thumbnail in an article substitutes the posters avatar (switchable via admincp)
* Upload header images and have them auto resize
* Choose header images from a global (or forum specific) gallery
* Integrated article byline.
* Synopsis - allows users to give a summary that appears on the new forumdisplay
* New forumdisplay shows article header image and synopsis (if no synopsis then the first X amount of characters from the article is used)
* Synopisis allows BBCode
* Integrates with the Geek AutoLink system (optional)
* Allows you to post as other users
* Article sidebar that shows the article rating, your rating, the rating form, article tools, and article attachments (all toggable via admincp)
* An auto installer/upgrader/uninstaller that makes all file edits for you!
* A whole host of other tiddlybits that I wont bore you with

Special thanks goes to rlamego, peterska2, Snow, Gldtn, and Magic Spark for private Beta testing this for me. Couldnt of happened without them!

Download Link:
(This is the full version)

Enjoy! :)
Anyone getting the same issue as I am?

when viewing the article the "add new article" button is broken and shows text in fire fox, but in IE it shows the little X. I've seen this on other websites aswell.

my question is has anyone ever fixed this?
Gantz said:
Anyone getting the same issue as I am?

when viewing the article the "add new article" button is broken and shows text in fire fox, but in IE it shows the little X. I've seen this on other websites aswell.

my question is has anyone ever fixed this?

i had same issue too, but with firefox its working fine, but not working properly in IE and opera browser
Gantz said:
Anyone getting the same issue as I am?

when viewing the article the "add new article" button is broken and shows text in fire fox, but in IE it shows the little X. I've seen this on other websites aswell.

my question is has anyone ever fixed this?

have you upload the images in the right folder ? please check the path for that button