Gallup:Biden choice has little impact. Will that choice be the defining moment when remembering Obam

The Princeton, N.J., polling firm says its USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Saturday indicated 14 percent of registered voters said Biden's selection as the running mate of likely nominee U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., makes them more likely to vote for Obama. Combined with 7 percent who said Biden's choice would make it less likely they'd for the Democratic ticket, the net positive bump from the announcement was 7 percent, Gallup said. <br />
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That's significantly lower than the 17 percent net positive bump that 2004 Democratic nominee Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., got when he announced Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., as his choice. <br />
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he just moved ahead in COL, VIR, and NM



Seems like everything Obama tries results in no gains in the polls.
Except when he was on holidays for a week.
Little impact LOL it was yesterday and today is Sunday, a bit in a hurry aren't we .
Obama is doing a fine job in battling something that has run this country in the ground for many years.And he can't even identify the evil because calling it what it is is somehow worse than the evil itself in this upside down reality.
What better way to capture the swing vote but stick a "blue collar class" claiming catholic at your side? Sounds like New York will be blue this year. Sneaky? Yes. Little impact? No.
The bottom line is that people don't vote for the person at the bottom of the ticket. Biden will not help Obama in any significant way at all. He sounds like a logical choice in theory, but in reality it's not going to work out that way. The only person who could have brought more of the Hillary voters over to Obama is Hillary herself (as VP). Close to 50% of Hillary supporters don't back Obama; Biden isn't going to put much of a dent in that number.
No, the turning point was the European trip. Obama used all the tools in his tool bag(one) and the electorate got tired of it. It was so bad that he had to go into hiding awhile.