Gallery Password


I have a Gallery website and wanted to set-up a way to make my website accessible by password. Right now, you can just go to the site and view albums. I want viewers to have to enter a password to proceed.<br /><br />How do I do this?<!--content-->
Well, I have never used the gallery program but I assume that your albums are in a sub folder on your site. You can password protect the folder requiring that a login to be required.<br /><br />You do this through cPanel. Select Web Protect and select the folder. Add a user name and password.<!--content-->
Hi daven,<br /><br />You can set permissions on a album by album basis. When you are logged into Gallery as an admin, in the 'Album Actions' selection box, select 'permissions'. <br />You can add/delete individual users and or groups, such as 'logged in', which means you must be logged in to view the album. <br />Of course you will have to create users, which can be done from the 'manage users' link, which is visable when you are logged in as admin.<br /><br />HTH, Tom<!--content-->
Thanks Tom. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->
Your welcome Bruce <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> <br />Gallery happens to be one thing I do know my way around. Lets hope it does daven some good <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><!--content-->
Thanks for everyone's replies.<br /><br />Let me clarify my question: I am trying to have a password prompt to access the entire gallery website. I would like to see if there is a way to prevent random people from right-clicking photos and saving them. I reasoned that if I password protect the site, then people I know will be accessing the website. Are there other alternatives to this?<br /><br />Nilesh<!--content-->
Hi Nilesh, if you follow the instructions for web protect I gave above it will force a password to log into the gallery.<br /><br />As for trying to protect people from taking your images you may as well forget it. If they can view the images they can take the images. Fact of internet life.<br /><br />Even if you could stop them from right clicking, once they view the image it is on their computer in the cache for their browser.<!--content-->
In cpanel you can password protect the folder your gallery is in.<!--content-->