Gallery Not Working After Server Upgrade


Staff member
I had been on server 16. Following the recent move over to a new better server (many thanks, by the way), images no longer show up in gallery. I'm not getting any other noticeable's just that wherever there should be images, there aren't.<br /><br />I'll be happy to research this on my own, but I wanted to first find out if any Gallery users are aware of what might be the cause...perhaps it was the fact that PHP on the new server is 4.4.1, whereas it was, I think 4.3.x on server 16?<br /><br />Anyway, any advice would be welcome.<br /><br />Thanks<!--content-->
Server 16 was at 4.4.1 for PHP. That was upgraded on all servers a while back. So I don't think it's a PHP issue. <br /><br />What version of Gallery and were the images visible just before the move?<br /><br />You should open a ticket with the help desk and have them take a quick look.<!--content-->
Are all permissions set as they should be?<br />Reason I ask is because one time I didn纾