Gallery Giving Error


Does anybody know how to fix this?<br /><br />ever since the server crash last week, my site and my clients with Gallery have this error on their album pages of Gallery. (I installed Gallery a while ago, and don't have time to upgrade them all, so I need to get them working without upgrading)<br /><br />Warning: fopen(/home/myusername/public_html/photogallery/albums/album31/photos.dat.lock) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/myusername/public_html/photogallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 55<br />Error: Could not open lock file (/home/myusername/public_html/photogallery/albums/album31/photos.dat.lock)!<!--content-->
Open a ticket, and we'll take a look. <br /><br />I'd guess it's a permissions issue on the directory, but it's easier to have a look at the account to be certain.<!--content-->
As Andy says open a ticket with the help desk but it does sound like a permission problem.<!--content-->