GAL Geek Auto-Linker v6.0.6 nulled by scrApy


New Member

Auto-link keywords. Change keyword category, dictionary, status, and more from one AdminCP page. Filter by category. Choose templates and regular expressions to use. Lots of permissions. Statistics for tracking impressions and clickthroughs. Works with GARS. More.

Click here to see how it looks in posts. Click here to see the front-end script.


Non-post items may not auto-link. Ajax quick replies may not auto-link. Non-post auto-links experimental and done on the fly. For posts, you can Rebuild Post Cache but it is intensive. Do not go overboard. Lack of documentation. Not 100% phrased.

  • Copy the files included with this package into the corresponding directories on your server. Overwrite existing GAL files. Make sure that the contents in /forums/images gets copied into each of your style's images directory.
  • Upload the product-gal.xml file via the vB AdminCP product manager. This will install the required database tables, templates, plugins, phrases, etcetera.
  • Make sure that the /geek/gal/images directory is CHMOD to 0777 for uploading images.
  • Give your AdminCP a hard refresh (e.g., Ctrl-F5) if you do not see the side menu after installation. Go to the vB AdminCP -> Geek Auto-Linker -> Settings and fill in the options.
  • Click through all the GAL AdminCP pages to familiarize yourself with the options and settings. Note that dictionaries have permissions, categories have permissions, and there are more permissions to be found by following the Permissions link in the side menu.
  • Add the following CSS declarations to your vB AdminCP style CSS settings (Styles & Templates -> Stye Manager -> Main CSS -> Scroll to the bottom of the page -> Add the following in the lower Additional CSS Definitions box):
    /* GAL Defns */
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #016798;
    color: #016798;
    padding: 0 0 0 12px;
    background: url(images/misc/exlinkon.gif) no-repeat 0;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom: 1px dotted #016798;
    color: #016798;
    padding: 0 0 0 12px;
    background: url(images/misc/exlinkon.gif) no-repeat 0;
    text-decoration: underline;
    border-bottom: 0px dotted #F8BF24;
    color: #016798;
    padding: 0 0 0 12px;
    background: url(images/misc/exlink.gif) no-repeat 0;
  • Note that any "word" character (\w), apostrophe ('), and dash (-) are allowed in keywords.
  • Do not allow just anyone to use HTML! You do not want someone wreaking unnecessary havoc.
  • Choose keywords wisely. Make meaningful selections. Do not auto-link common words. It is undue overhead.
  • If you wish to use GARS and GAL together, you will need to grab the GARS package and FTP the /geek/gars/includes/gars_class_edit.php file.
