Future of NNNNN.com


New Member
What do you guys think the future holds for 5 Numbers .com? I mean NNN.com are worth more than LLL.com, NNNN.com are worth more than LLLL.com, so if LLLLL.com is going to boom then NNNNN.com will happen faster.Also if LLL.com was great because a lot of businesses had acroynms with 2 Letters, then 5N will be great because of zip codes. At least better than 4N, not saying that 5N will be worth more than 4N, it probably not but it will have an advantage because it's zipcodes in many countries.So many been taken these past few days, in the next 24hrs, they will possiblilty be all gone. There are about maybe little less than 3,000 left right now.I just picked some up myself.What do you guys think?Check out this small list of avaible NNNNN.com left on this other thread. Hopes this helps somone ^_^!http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?p=6566085#post6566085This accounts for I'd say about 1/3 of the one's left at the moment.