

New Member
I found the PR of all the sites I checked are 70 now. I think google makes error sometimes. right?Look at this time i Posting here in Germany it is 2:34 am and No Website in the World have PR!Maybe the day is come today a new aera of seo!Without PRLast night I could not get a cache image for any site for a couple of hours.Now I am not seeing a toolbar PR.Google must be performing some kind of rolling hardware upgrade ...So I have a script that pulls the PR for half a dozen of my sites...Whether it's temporary for hardware upgrades I don't know but..Google wrote:It will be a black Day for all PR faker and Textlinkbrokers all over the World!interesting. I'm not showing any either. A ping of resolves, so it's not a DNS issue. Must be something Google is doing purposefully. They're so darn secrative sometimes. You'd think they could at least post something on the blog or something. At the moment there's nothing on blogspot.i think there must a update going on with Google PR Algorithm or there could be some hardware problem with a particular server.Anyway google with open up their mouth after fixing this.-Arun