Functionally and otherwise challenged


New Member
I was left an old form with various validations to update. The end-user now wants the person using the form to select a time,(three elements to the time: hours, minutes and am or pm) from select lists. Fine, I did that. But in writing the data out to a file I can only use one field, combining the results of the 3 selections.

I think I know what I need but all my attempts have failed.

I think I need a function to capture the data from the selections, concatenate them into a hidden field and write that out to the file when the form is submitted.

My function for validation on making a selection is decent.

function notSelected(inSelect)
var i = inSelect.selectedIndex;
if (i == 0)
return true;
return false;

My other function sucks big time. Here is an example of my jibberish

function Time(testStr)
var FSTARTTIME = (in_data.SHOUR.value + in_data.SMINUTE.value + in_data.SAMPM.value);

Then later I want to write out the stuff in FSTARTTIME.
But of course FSTARTIME never has any thing in it.

Whew, I confess, I am clueless.

Thanks for any assistance