Function won't work with for loop

So I am adding in buttons to my wysiwyg(TinyMCE) on wordpress. There's a function that is called to add the buttons to the button array. Inside that function I created a new loop because there are quite a few buttons to add. There must be something wrong with my loop because it throws up errors while just inserting the code manually returns none. \[code\] //Add button to the button array.function register_button($buttons) {//Use PHP 'array_push' function to add the columns button to the $buttons array $columnNum = array('one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine','ten','eleven'); for($i=0;$i<11;$i++){ array_push($buttons, '"'.$columnNum[$i].'_col"'); array_push($buttons, '"'.$columnNum[$i].'_col_first"'); array_push($buttons, '"'.$columnNum[$i].'_col_last"'); }//Return buttons array to TinyMCE return $buttons;} \[/code\]Thanks for your help!