Anyway to put in a newline or something to stop my output from creating a long unwrapped line? I want to make some function onsubmit where it forces a newline character after 10 characters. I seem to have a problem with my input form where it doesnt wrap after I enter the data and long sentences force my output box to look like a rectangle.
Here is what is happening:
Long sentence keeps going and going where it extends my output box too long.
I need it to wrap in my output such as:
Long sentence keeps going and going
where it extends my output box too long.
Here is my html form part where I need to use a form input for my entry:
<form action="mypage.html" method=post>
<TD><input name="heading" type="text" size=30></TD>
Would it be?:
function forcenewline()
//if wordcount > 10
I cant use <textarea> in this calendar script so please advise on how I could make a function to work on the onsubmit or onclick event.
Here is what is happening:
Long sentence keeps going and going where it extends my output box too long.
I need it to wrap in my output such as:
Long sentence keeps going and going
where it extends my output box too long.
Here is my html form part where I need to use a form input for my entry:
<form action="mypage.html" method=post>
<TD><input name="heading" type="text" size=30></TD>
Would it be?:
function forcenewline()
//if wordcount > 10
I cant use <textarea> in this calendar script so please advise on how I could make a function to work on the onsubmit or onclick event.