Full Screen Mode


Hello to everyone<br />
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I received an excellent help from this board, so I am becoming addicted to JavaScript. Thanks a lot again !!<br />
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I am back with another question:<br />
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How to activate the keyboard (F 11) key in my index.html source code, so my website users can have a full screen view.<br />
I have looked at a good script: <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.javascriptsource.com/user-details/optimized-popup.html">http://www.javascriptsource.com/user-de ... popup.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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but it doesn't allow to Activate "Auto-Hide" and the "Address Bar" , as just pressing the "F11" key would do.<br />
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Thanks in advance for your great help<br />
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Bela<!--content-->:mad: <br />
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I tried to do this with javascript - seems there is no function to do it!<br />
but if ever you find a way give me a shout!<!--content-->Originally posted by Bela <br />
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so my website users can have a full screen view. <br />
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They can have that by simply pressing F11 manually. They also have the option to choose to NOT press F11.<br />
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Why are you trying to remove this option from your visitors and FORCE them to use F11? :confused:<!--content-->that's exactly what I said to my client but hey if that's what they want! A button on the site to do it would be better.<br />
Anyhow I don't think anyone has found a way of doing it.<!--content-->Thanks to both of you 2, for your comments BUT before you answer a question or make such comments MAKE SURE to fully understand the reason behind it.<br />
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FIRST: Much probably you make your living with computers, so YOU KNEW about the F11 but most people don't. I have worked with computers for over 15 years and never knew about that F11 to toggle the top of the browser. I only knew about it some 4 to 6 months ago, and I love it.<br />
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SECOND: by automatically activating the F11 key, I am not taking anyhing from the visitor. He/she only needs to point this mouse at the top to see again the browser top menu. This is not to mention that the visitor can decide, with just a click, to restore the screen (default mode).<br />
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THIRD: The visitors are mine not yours. If they feel annoyed, they will let me know or leave. Whatever the case, then I'll take the necessay steps to make corrections.<br />
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So before talking about "FORCING a visitor to something' or some other comments, make sure to FULLY understand WHAT we want, HOW we want it and THE REASON behind it.<br />
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The only one thing that I don't like about the 2 scripts (Full Screen Mode) mentioned in my first post (above) is none of them provide "Auto-Hide" and "Restore". So, again, How can you say I am trying to "force a visitor to something" ?<br />
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Just because you know about something, so basic, doesn't mean that everybody knows about it.<br />
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Thanks for your comments and have a nice day !!!<br />
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Bela Ba<!--content-->Steady on dude I for one didnt mean to offend you !<br />
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ps <br />
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I had clients who couldnt figure out how to restore the browser!<br />
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these points are just our 2 cents. dont take em personally!<!--content-->Sorry I don't believe you. Anybody who uses a browser knows that at the "Top Right Corner" there are 3 icons for "minimize", "Restore" or "Maximize", and "Close". This is very different from being aware about the F11 function key.<br />
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Bela Ba<br />
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PS: I DO NOT take your comments personally, my friends. I didn't see any offense. In fact, I like your input, and direct and indirect help. CHEERS !!!<!--content-->sorry i meant the client didnt know how to get out of the F11 state - cos the icons were on black and looked different.<br />
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good to hear you aint offended!<br />
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wey hey<br />
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ps this site is great int it!<!--content-->Originally posted by Bela <br />
FIRST: Much probably you make your living with computers, so YOU KNEW about the F11 but most people don't. I have worked with computers for over 15 years and never knew about that F11 to toggle the top of the browser. I only knew about it some 4 to 6 months ago, and I love it.<br />
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True, but wouldn't a line of text on you page like eg<br />
"You can press F11 to toggle fullscreen-view of webpages in most browsers" be an even better option?<br />
That would<br />
a) Still leave the visitor in 100% controll<br />
b) teach people how to do it on other sites then just yours.<br />
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SECOND: by automatically activating the F11 key, I am not taking anyhing from the visitor. He/she only needs to point this mouse at the top to see again the browser top menu. <br />
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This is NOT the case in mine an many other browsers.<br />
You cannot assume that ALL browsers works EXACTLY the way YOUR prefered browser works.<br />
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This is not to mention that the visitor can decide, with just a click, to restore the screen (default mode).<br />
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Just if you let them know that F11 toggles this option. And if you teach them about it then you still won't need to do an auto F11.<br />
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THIRD: The visitors are mine not yours. If they feel annoyed, they will let me know or leave. Whatever the case, then I'll take the necessay steps to make corrections.<br />
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Yes, I'm just raising the question if you have really though it through, becuse IMO what you are trying to do is EXTREMLY annoying. And becuase webdesigners do extremly annoying things with JavaScript all over the place, every day more and more users simply shut of JS all togheter depriveing all of us webdesigners an otherwise wonderful tool to enhance our webpages with. <br />
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So before talking about "FORCING a visitor to something' or some other comments, make sure to FULLY understand WHAT we want, HOW we want it and THE REASON behind it.<br />
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The problem is that your reasons are very limited in scope. You are assuming that everybody likes things the way you have it + also have the exact same hardware & software as you do.<br />
I'm quite sure that eg a visitor with a 1600x1200 resolution vill find it highly annoying if your webpage suddenly maximizes on his screen, even more so if you happen to be designing webpages optimized for eg 800px resolution.<br />
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The lesson here is to before ask WHAT you can do, think through if you SHOULD.<!--content-->Stefan, I like your first and last comments. They are convincing. Thanks !!<br />
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I'll try to put a 5-second pop-up giving the visitor the option to press F11 to expand the window. If I receive negative comments about the pop-up I'll take it out.<br />
I still think that most people will love it. We'll see.<br />
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Thanks to all and have a nice day<br />
Bela Ba<!--content-->Originally posted by Bela <br />
I'll try to put a 5-second pop-up giving the visitor the option to press F11 to expand the window. <br />
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That sounds like a brilliant solution, especially that the popup autocloses. :)<br />
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Only problem is that many browsers have built in Popup blockers or users have already turned JS off to avoid all those add popups that doesn't close them selves :(<!--content-->