frontpage/w3c compliancy issue


hi,<br />
microsoft must not care much what the w3c validators do. I used front page and have a shared left and bottom border. the meta tag for the inclusion of these borders on my pages, <meta name="Microsoft Border" content="lb"> is not w3c compliant. a name attribute must be one word. Any suggestions on fixing this? im so close to getting validated!!<!--content-->that's easy to fix.<br />
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1) take Frontpage out back and run over its head with the front tires of the truck.<br />
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2) eliminate the offending meta tag completely.<br />
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3) Download <!--more--> a different text editor.<!--content-->I have no idea how to fix the problem...But I am pretty impressed that you could even get a Front Page file to come CLOSE to validating!<!--content-->Any proprietary code like Microsoft uses will not be validated. it makes since really. why validate somethnig no other brwoser can handle?<br />
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frontpage will never output validated code just for that reason. neither will DreamWeaver<!--content-->It is possible to make valid code, but it is usually a lot of work to take all of the proprietory M$ crap out first.<br />
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There are some automated tools that can eliminate a lot of that sort of code, but make sure that you always keep the original file safe, and just work on a copy, just in case something goes horribly wrong.<!--content-->doesn't frontpage use capital letters for tags? and i believe that is not XHTML valid - because all elements except the value of attributes must be lower case, right?<br />
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is it even valid in HTML 4.01?<br />
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I never used frontpage, so i really don't know. notepad all the way.<!--content-->in transitional 4.01 it is valid, but why get into that habit if transitional is going away in the future<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
frontpage will never output validated code just for that reason. neither will DreamWeaver <br />
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Actually, I have found that DreamWeaver MX 2004 is pretty good at valid code. It has built-in code validator that is half way decent. You still have to touch it up some times (see my other post...I have div tags inside a tags, and it should have been the other way around), but all in all, it's a BIG improvement over MX.<!--content-->