Frontpage meta name question


hi,<br />
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does anyone know how to stop Frontage adding these everytime I create a new page<br />
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<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0"><br />
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"><br />
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I really don't want them in my website, I remember reading once that there was a trick to stop it but can't remember was it was.<br />
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p.s. before you say it, don't say don't use Frontpage, I know that all you geeks hate it, but it works for me for the most part!<br />
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thanks<!--content-->I won't say it, but I'll be thinking it... :p<br />
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I believe there is a plugin to do this, did you try searching google? Ah yes, here it is, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Look for No FrontPage Meta on that page....<!--content-->Don't get rid of those. You don't want people to think that you wrote mark up that abysmal yourself.<!--content-->thanks, the pluggin's work ok<br />
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p.s. - for $150 Frontpage is a bargin despite any short comings it may have.<!--content-->Originally posted by kenweb <br />
for $150 Frontpage is a bargin despite any short comings it may have. FrontPage wouldn't even be a bargin if it was free. It does more harm to you and your visitors than anything, so why should you have to pay any money for that?<!--content-->Originally posted by kenweb <br />
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p.s. - for $150 Frontpage is a bargin despite any short comings it may have. <br />
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Ooooooooooo!!!!!!!! Now you've done it. Ok, I'll start...<br />
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FrontPage Lite comes for free with Windows, if I'm not mistaken. Or is it Office? I forget. Or I'm trying to block it out, not sure which.<br />
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There are numerous wysiwyg editors available for little or no money. I'm sure others in this forum will name names. HTML-kit is one that is suggested often. I use Dreamweaver. Yes, it's more money than FP, but you get what you pay for.<!--content-->Originally posted by Aronya1 <br />
HTML-kit is one that is suggested often.<br />
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To my knowledge, HTML-Kit is not a wysiwyg editor. It is a text editor and probably the best free one out there.<!--content-->I don't think that it is appropriate to compare free html editors with frontpage and try and make out they are equivalent.<br />
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Frontpage has some very sofisticated features not available in the freebies!!<!--content-->It's a very sophisticated piece of dung. Or it's a sophisticated piece of software that can only produce pieces of dung.<!--content-->I know what wind's up a html geek, just mention the word Frontpage, works everytime<br />
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Frontpage is like a ford, we can't all drive bmw's, the other freebies are like having a good bike<br />
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:)<!--content-->I did a course to learn web design, the course used FP :( I learnt to code by hand :)<br />
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I have come to learn that software is an individual thing just cos one person doesn't get along with it doesn't mean that next will too. <br />
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If you are comfortable with FP carry on using it. I now use Dreamweaver but thats cos I have become lazy<br />
;)<!--content-->Originally posted by kenweb <br />
I know what wind's up a html geek, just mention the word Frontpage, works everytime<br />
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Frontpage is like a ford, we can't all drive bmw's, the other freebies are like having a good bike<br />
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:) <br />
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Could you please tell me what Frontpage does that a freebie editor, or a super cheap one doesn't do? I own DW 4 and yet it sits and collects dust for the most part while my $30 editor gets used every single day.<!--content-->I surrender, you win, I'm just a novice<!--content-->