FrontPage created site OHHHHH server changed doesn't support FrontPage ext now


I have had a FrontPage edited website which has existed on a Server with no probs...until our internet provider got bought out by a provider that doesn't support FrontPage extensions on its new server. So I go to upload a new page through an FTP client and not have any FrontPage features enabled. Great right except all my jpeg images will not show - they have a white box with a red x <br />
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So I tried to use Dreamweaver (which I have never used till now) to upload & Download <!--more--> some pages to check things out & resave images. Unfortunately I have taken the extremely lazy way to create this website. I have used basically all images created in Photoshop - even the text. So pages I have Download <!--more-->ed cannot even be viewed in Dreamweaver or FrontPage. <br />
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What the hell have I done & what can I possibly try to do a temp quick fix till I can redo the site in a proper fashion. Someone suggested saving my images as GIFs. But now the new pages I have tried to create can't even be viewed on the web. The internet providers page comes up & says page cannot be found????<br />
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Thank you in advance<!--content-->I am going to assume you use FrontPage because you don't have to muck around with the HTML code. But you have to if I'm right. Did you simply used Insert Picture from the menu?<br />
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Ok. Images. What I suspect is the code that linked to those images is incorrect, because FP sucks at linking to pictures. Click a picture so it highlights (either FP or DW, doesn't matter). Look at the now-highlighted HTML code. <br />
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If it looks like <img src="file:///C:/Ians website/humour/funny.jpg"><br />
It means it will only work on your computer. The red will have to manually be deleted, and make sure the path still works<br />
<img src="humour/funny.jpg"><br />
This is how it should roughly look on the web.<br />
<img src=""><br />
I suppose it can be done this way, but it has the same problem as red; the web page will only work on that site.Can you put up a link to this page so we can check it? If this is not the problem let us know.<!--content-->I have been fooling around with this all night. I finally got the pages to post that weren't - it was just because I didn't have the subfolders typed in the address. I took out all of my images and then resaved 2 images (jpeg & GIF) in dreamweaver & it looks like that might have did it.<br />
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The address for the images that aren't working on is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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The site that I resaved the 2 images on in dreamweaver & appears to be working is:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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It seems that when I upload my files & attached images are automatically going into the wrong folder.. not too sure, don't understand Dreamweaver yet. But I think your suggestion has helped me figure this out...If it is fixed & I just have to resave all the images in Dreamweaver & then move the image files on the server into the proper folder.<br />
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Thanks soooo much.<!--content-->it looks like you are saving the images in the newsletter folder. so make sure you have them spelled right.<br />
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if I were you I wouldn't use dreamweaver or frontpage to upload anything. I would use an ftp program like ws_ftple, it is free and it does wonders. beside you get to see what files are going into what folder.<!--content-->Once I couldn't post through FrontPage, when the server changed over, I tried posting with a plain ol FTP client - either Cute-FTP or WS-FTP and that's when it all began.......<br />
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no images, just white boxes with red x<br />
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The strange thing is even when I Download <!--more--> a page from my site now & view it in Dreamweaver or FrontPage anything from the original site that is a jpeg does not show up. Even if I try to open it in Photoshop.<br />
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The spelling & case of the file names shouldn't matter since or I should say they should be correct since they worked when the server supported FrontPage extensions. I have not had a problem till then.<!--content-->so when you upload images to the server what do you set the ftp up as? you send files (php, asp, cgi) as ASCII and then images and regular html files as binary.<br />
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that is probably what is happening.<!--content-->I tried it a few different ways, first I believe it was the default setting, where it chooses the format. Then I tried the ASCII setting, then I tried the Binary setting, & then I tried sending the images seperately from the HTML file since it was saved as one whole file with text and graphics.<br />
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None of it worked which is why I tried posting with Dreamweaver & let it do the thinking.<!--content-->