From XML to HTML/PDF (using XSLT?)


Staff member
I thought that this would be simple to accomplish, but it's been a pain to figure out with me being a newbie to XML and all. I simply want to have:

1) An XML doc that stores data
2) An ASP.NET page that pulls this XML data into it
3) Have two links on that ASP.NET pg that link to printable versions of that same doc (HTML and PDF)
4) Have two stylesheets that format the XML data to an HTML version and a PDF version

I figured out how to do #'s 1 and 2 and I've searched high and low for a simple solution to #'s 3 and 4, but I've only found conversion tools, complex answers, etc. I'm really trying to stick to learning XML/XSLT/etc... without using tools, but it's been difficult to accomplish. Is what I want possible with XSLT? If so, can you shove me in the right direction?