Free Webhosting for easy arbitrage ?


New Member
Hi All,I found service, that provide very easy system how get own side which display Google Adds to Keyword of your choice. For me was very dificult to build webpage, that displays google adds target to EXACT keyword. I need it for ARBITRAGE - buy clicks on keyword in Adwords more cheap than sell click in adsense (on my page).Every keyword has different price, so i need try... to find the best keyword (big price for sell click , but smal for buy and reach enough displays) - I can see it after 1 click ! My experience with this sites is 8-15% click throuhg, so easy to count it. But 1 day is more accurate..Now I found the webpage,where is easy to try it.and it is free without register, downloading and paying for domain and hosting. url ishttp://www.gadds.netAll clicks are paid to me because all adds will be shown with my own google ID. Very simple. only special url with my google id in front of their domain name(Can prove it with view source of page).Someone else use this site? Maybe we could buld list of keywords, that is suitable for ARBITRAGE. I add some of my keywords (After someone add his) in my next post. It's very good idea but how can you be sure that they will display your ads?I mean why would they do that?