Free Trial Download Script


Staff member
make you fill out a form and then email the free trial d/l link to you. Anyone know where i can get one of these?<!--content-->
Have you looked at ?<!--content-->
yes but i don't know a name or anything. They keep recommending formmail scripts, Similar to what i need but not quite.<!--content-->
good luck trying to google free trial download script<!--content-->
You should be able to use any formmail script (make sure it's secure) that allows you to send the person filling out the form to another page that contains a download link once they submit the form. <br /><br />You just place that page in a private area of your webspace with no external links to it other than your form.<!--content-->
I found <a href="" target="_blank">Download Trakker</a> searching at It looks like it can do what you want.<!--content-->