I've been thinking of seting up a free subdomain redirection/fowarding service... (you would need the code thing like co.nr (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.freedomain.co.nr/">http://www.freedomain.co.nr/</a><!-- m -->))
Do people use them as often as i think? is it best to go with a XXX.com or XXX.net or XXX.cc ??? do you think it's too saturated of a market for a new one???
Anyone think its a good idea???? - or am i just out of my mind
ps: is there a certian domain that you think would look good with subdomains?-im open to suggestions
Do people use them as often as i think? is it best to go with a XXX.com or XXX.net or XXX.cc ??? do you think it's too saturated of a market for a new one???
Anyone think its a good idea???? - or am i just out of my mind
ps: is there a certian domain that you think would look good with subdomains?-im open to suggestions