Free SQL Server 2000 hosting?


I'm making an web application to test out SQL Server stuff, and I want to know if there's any free SQL Server hosts.well, I have done alot of research regarding this but of no use... Actually i think its not possible 'cause SQL server licence is quite expensive and there is no host providing it for free. i would suggest you should use Access DB

Happy surfin'Well, MS Access wouldn't work since I wanted to test out ASP.NET and SQL Server.

But, I do have a free trial version from my Microsoft Certification course can get an account at webmatrixhosting but the trial hosting only lasts 60 days. Back in the day microsoft gave them buckets of money to host users, and the time period was indefinate, I mean your account did not expire. But then they dropped a few arrays of hard drives and corrupted a lot of data and did some other stuff so ms does not fund them like they used to anymore so now they limit hosting time.

But I do not think you will find any other host that will host you on sql server for free for any length of time. But you can run a server w/ it at home for free, all you need to do is Download msde. It is free, but it has this performance governor on it so if you get so many users perfromance degrades and eventually stops.