FREE Spam Checker Tool - Check your email!

Hi friends,

Spam is a bigger and bigger problem nowadays. But, while spam is the fundamental root of our problems, the anti-spam measures that large ISPs and important free e-mail hosts (like Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail) undertake also hurts legitimate Net marketers. Much like tuna nets catch dolphins by mistake, their spam filters catch us.

To reduce the likelihood of your legitimate e-mail/newsletter being filtered by the spam filters, you should avoid the common triggers that accidentally mark and filter legitimate e-mail as spam. In this regard, the SpamCheck tool could evaluate whether your e-mail is "filter-friendly" or not - and it's FREE! SpamCheck will also give recommendations for the corrections of your e-mail to reduce the "spamminess" of your e-mail.

Click here to use SpamCheck (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="">http://www.affiliate-business-resources ... k-tool.htm</a><!-- m -->)

I think that's all. Thanks.
