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Keyword Finder, Competition Analyzer, SERP Analyzer, Page Analyzer, Backlink Checker, Rank Checker, Affiliate Product Finder, Domain Finder and a lot more!!

Hi Guys, Im not sure If Im allowed to post this here but please delete if I violated something.

We released another tool with a feature rich free edition that you can use around 90% of all the functionalities.

And I cant find anything like this yet being shared for free especially the one that uses the new google keyword tool interface.

We call it SerpAttacks (named after the first one TweetAttacks)

Its a SEO software that have the following features

Find golden niches to dominate
Find highly searched keywords with very less competition so you can rank and earn faster. Just type any keyword and SerpAttacks will load bunch of related keywords for you.

Find highly searched keywords and analyze search engine competitions on certain location. Maybe you are not yet aware but there are many hidden gems in localized searches.

Discover Keywords Potential for Profit
Easily discover how much advertisers are paying for that keyword and how many are competing.

Multiple Search Engines
Supports the most popular search engines, google, yahoo, bing, altavista and ask. SerpAttacks is not a tool to dominate google or bing, it’s a tool to dominate them all.

Find out if the keyword will still be profitable in the future
Unveil and analyze how many people are searching for your keyword and discover if the trend is going up your down.

Discover high value domains in a click of a button
Having good domain is one factor in ranking and SerpAttacks provide good ways of finding them.

Discover highly profitable affiliate products to promote
What is a keyword and ranking if you don’t have product to promote? SerpAttacks can dig amazon and clickbank for products that you can promote based on your keywords.

Rank checker
Check and monitor your rank across different search engines from different locations.

Check and spy backlinks of any website
Check the websites that are linking to you or check your competitor’s backlinks so you have an idea where you will put your links.

Advanced SERP Analysis
Easily analyze the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) for websites that are ranking for your chosen keywords and get an idea how strong the competition really is.

Advanced Page Analysis
Discover your website weakpoints as SerpAttacks analyze every paragraphs, every html tags, every titles and many other factors so you can dramatically improve it against your competitors.
