I am posting this because I have seen a lot of people pay hefty deposits to become a domain reseller. I found this Logicboxes supersite account a few days back and the domain prices are nominal at 6.99 for .com .net .biz and promo offers for .info and .org
Even if only a few domains if you need to buy, you could have a reseller account for making residual inconme later.
The best part is the deposit is totally our choice just put in as much as you anticipate. So far I havent seen a down side to it.
you could sign up as a reseller here.
Even if only a few domains if you need to buy, you could have a reseller account for making residual inconme later.
The best part is the deposit is totally our choice just put in as much as you anticipate. So far I havent seen a down side to it.
you could sign up as a reseller here.