Free ASP.NET hosting??


New Member
Anyone know of any sites currently offering free hosting for ASP.NET apps?<BR><BR>I'm not looking for extensive hosting, it's just that we're currently in a WinNT environment and can't run ASP.NET but I'm already a few hundred pages into the sams book and really am itching to try out some of the examples!<BR><BR>I believe there's currently one, but I'd like to find one with ftp access, the web interface it used kept reporting an error because I didn't specify a mime type on the form. When I did it still threw the error so I'm not sure if something was cached (tried renaming the file), or if the error was on the form that took the file in the first place - either way it didn't work and I've heard nothing from their support folk (get what you pay for I guess).<BR><BR>Appreciate any feedback, I just have a few pages using web forms etc and I'm curious to see how different ASP.NET is from CF4.5...<BR><BR>Thanks!<BR><BR>GinnieI belive has free .net hostingBrinkster is free, but their service can be... lacking (what do you expect for paying nothing, though?)<BR><BR>If you need a notch better and don't want to have to sink too much money into the site, check out<BR><BR><BR>$9.99 / mo., no setup fee (I believe)