

hi all-<br />
<br />
what's wrong with this besides everything?<br />
because i cant get the home.html page to work.<br />
<br />
i know it's something completely obvious.<br />
<br />
thanks.<br />
<br />
< html><br />
<br />
< frameset rows="6%,*%" style="border:0;frameborder:0;framespacing:0><br />
< frame name="menu" style="scrolling:auto;frameborder:0;framespacing:0;margin-height:1px;margin-width:1px; noresize:false" src="menu.html" /><br />
< frame name="main" src="main.html" style="noresize:true;frameborder=0 framespacing=0" /><br />
< /frameset> <br />
<br />
< /html><!--content-->try something simple first, and why the style declarations in the frameset?<br />
<br />
<frameset cols="20%,*" border=1 frameborder=1 noresize="yes" scrolling="no"><br />
<frame src="navbar.htm" name="navbar"><br />
<frame src="main.htm" name="main" scrolling="auto"><br />
</frameset><!--content-->I may be wrong - but I don't believe you should use * with %.<br />
I think the asterisk declares the remaining value.<!--content-->you can use any combination of %, pixels, and *. And you are correct, it is a wildcard to use the remaining. It works, try it! (netscape lkes the exact %'s better)<!--content-->