frameset loading-time problem


Hi Programmers,<br />
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I have a problem with a page, consisting of 2 framesets, 1 with 3 frames in rows, where the top is 2k, the bottom is 2k with a 11k-jpeg, the mainFrame contains another frameset of 2 frames in columns. In this 2nd frameset in the left one is the navigation(8k) and the main(2k) with a flash of 29k. The navigation-page sometimes comes up even after the flash! I don't know why. There is quite a number of tables but I don't think that could be the problem.<br />
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Has anybody an idea?<br />
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Thanks for any hint<br />
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Alex<!--content-->i don't mean to be contradictory to your views, but i would ditch the frames.<br />
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EDIT: I looked at your site and actually the frames look like they work well, scratch that idea. It only took like 3 or 5 seconds, and the navigation loaded right away.<!--content-->I wondered whether the arrangement of framesets could influence the sequence of loading.<br />
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But another question, is there a way to have sort of a lowsrc for a flash? The background of the flash has the same colour as the site but I see a white square until it's loaded, could I make this square darkgrey?<br />
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Thanks Alex<!--content-->