

Just need to figure out what my href needs to look like to change the contents on the menu frame as well as the main frame? If possible! thanx!<!--content-->i don't think you can do this with just HTML.<br />
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You would need a client side script - i think it would be an OnClick event that loads both the new content when you click on the link.<br />
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Try asking in the Client Side forum.<br />
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Good Luck<!--content-->Lets say you have a frameset like this:<br />
<br />
<frameset cols="30%,*"><br />
<frame name="nav" src=''><br />
<frame name="main" src=''><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
<br />
And you have a link in the left navigation frame (nav.html). Now lets assume that you want to change the page in 'main' frame from index.html to 'blue.html' and you also want to change 'nav.html' in 'nav' frame to 'nav2.html'. <br />
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Here is how your link should look like:<br />
<br />
<a href="javascript: top.main.location.href='blue.html'; self.location.href=''">Blue/Nav2</a><br />
<br />
Here is an alternative way of doing it:<br />
<a href="nav2.html" onclick="top.main.location.href='blue.html'">Blue/Nav2</a><br />
<br />
Either one will ackomplish your task.<br />
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Good luck.<!--content-->Thankyou for the help but...<br />
:doh:<br />
hmm, still didnt work. maybe if you look at My Website (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)? The link that i'm trying to make it change both frames is the remodel section in the menu.<br />
I tried both ways, remodel as well as back to main once it gets to the remodel menu, the first way on back to main and the ladder on remodel.<br />
I guess I can try the client sidescript eh` <br />
But what about crossposting? is there a rule against that? I probably have to get a mod to move this post eh`<br />
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POWNING.ORG<!--content-->i am sure they wouldnt mind if you started a new thread and linked to this one - but the mod's are usually pretty good about putting a post where it is most effective (or least offensive in the case of spam).<!--content-->