Frames/URL's/Page Titles Problem


I tried searching previous posts for this info but could not find it.<br />
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First, the site is <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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The problem is that no matter where you go in the site, the title of the page and the URL always remain <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> .........thesite works fine so far but whenever you press refresh, it takes you out of whatever page you are on and reloads the index page. <br />
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The site is designed for the top frame and image to remain static through all pages, only the bottom frame changes. How can I have the URL and title of the page in the bottom frame display when loaded?<br />
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P.S. I am somewhat new at this so if I done anything really stupid please feel free to berate me :)<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Chuck<!--content-->I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but, that is the drawback of frames. They we're poorly designed when the idea came out years ago. Now we're stuck with framed pages which you can't explicitly link to, only the root (index) site. When you refresh ANY framed site, they will all go back to their root level. Others can't link to a framed page and keep it in the frame. There simply is no code setup for this.<br />
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You have two choices: Live with it. Ignore these flaws and keep your design.<br />
Copy and Paste the IMG SRC code at the top of every page. It isn't that long.<br />
<img src="images/index-title.gif" width="871" height="73" alt="Axegrinders Realm"> See?<br />
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I like your entry page. Nice, stylin'. :verycool:<!--content-->thx for the compliment and the quick what you are saying is<br />
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1. Live with what I got.<br />
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2. Dump the top frame and just put the title image at the top of every page. I assume that is what you meant on the second option. If not ignore my next paragraph.<br />
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Only thing about option 2 is I really like how the top frame being black really contrasts the title and the lower frame with the guitar background.<br />
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If I misunderstood please advise. Otherwise, I think I will leave it cuz like I said I like the contrast the frames add.<br />
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One question, do you think the noframes content would have anything to do with it cuz I have not done the noframes part yet :)<br />
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Thx again<!--content-->You assumed correctly with #2. Sorry if I wasn't 100% clear. I reread #2 and see it was poorly (misleadingly) written. :loopy:.<br />
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Anyways.<br />
As long as your site stays small, ie, your visitors don't mind starting from the INDEX page every visit, then keep the frames. It's like the logo is branded, constantly in view, and the contrast is :thumbup: to me. <br />
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In the past I've debated using the same frames design, logo ontop of every page, but now-a-days I prefer the exactness of non-frames sites... For people who (now rare) design two version, a Frames site and a Non-Frames site, they are just duplicating the work for the same content. You may notice some sites now LOOK like frames (a panel of links on the left), but are done on just one HTML file. Take a look at HTMLforums, they have the same "BIG RESSOURCE NETWORK" 'bar' design on every page.<br />
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P.S. If, you just wanted a black picture, other than reediting the image, you could surround the IMG code with a TABLE code, that has background color = black<!--content-->Originally posted by mr.chuck <br />
...One question, do you think the noframes content would have anything to do with it cuz I have not done the noframes part yet :)Nope.<br />
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Completely unrelated. If a browsers' so old it doesn't know frames, this is shown, not because it knows what a <NOFRAMES> tag is, but because it ignores any unknown tag. <br />
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Since frames are entirely coded WITHIN the tag, like <put frame there>, then it will be ignored. So is the tag <noframe>. But, the stuff BETWEEN the tags, <noframes> Click Here Etc... </noframes>, will show, because ANY browsers understands plain text. <br />
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It is Frames-Capable browsers that see this tag, and say, don't show me, 'cause I can do frames! Ya!<br />
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That's the beauty of HTML. They can make up new syntax, and it won't crash older browsers. They're simply programmed to ignore any unknown < tags >.<!--content-->gotcha.....well, I am dumping the frame, it is just too my friend who I am making the site for cannot figure out how to refresh individual frames so he is still seeing pages from a week ago that now have missing pics and tell him to look at the new updates and he says..."yeah..looks great"...ROFL...he can't even see the frikkin new page!<br />
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thats some funny stuff.........thx again and check the site, I got rid of the frame<br />
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seeya <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->With IE 5.5, Right-Click in the offending frame, Refresh :D<!--content-->