Frames Scroller


Hi,<br />
I am working on a site. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Due to some reasons I needed to use Frames instead of Table. I donn't want scroller in the centerframe. How can I do that? <br />
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Thanks,<br />
PJ.<!--content-->I couldn't find a page in your site that had what you are discribing?<br />
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Nice site, are all of your roll-overs done in Flash?<!--content-->when you define the frames, use scrolling='no';<br />
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BUT this will leave all info unavailable for those who do not have enough screen real estate to see the entire thing. I suggest trying it out and resizing your screen to something less than 800x600 and view your page. If you can see everything..... good!<!--content-->sherpa, when you click the links on left side you can see the scroller in the centerframe. I donn't want the scroller to be seen by the users. <br />
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Dr.web, thanks for the tip. but i donn't want the users to set the window settings. <br />
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PJ.<!--content-->not the users, YOU set it on the frameset page that you created. It is a HTML attribute for specifying whether or not to show scroll bars in certain frames.<!--content-->