Frames Question (help needed)


Hi friends!<br />
<br />
I'm wondering if in the main frame, you can have text or a background show in the page.<br />
<br />
I have the left frame, main frame, and the page that shows the two put together, however there is no background color or text in the main window. The links show in the right window. Here is the url. View the source in the white part. All it shows is <html></html> <br />
<br />
So what am I doing wrong?<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... Links.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
<br />
Erik<!--content-->looks like you didn't assign an html page for that side. I didn't look at the source but it seems you didn't do what you did for hte left side.<!--content-->Frameset is not OK....<br />
Now:<br />
<frame name="contents"<br />
target="main" <br />
src="leftframe.html"> <br />
<frame name="main"<br />
src="Links.html"<br />
scrolling="auto"><br />
<br />
The src is not correct.<br />
src="leftframe.html" has to be src="content.html" (the right frame)<br />
src="Links.html" is OK, but you have to put the links in it, now this is in "leftframe"<br />
New:<br />
<frame name="links"<br />
target="content" <br />
src="links.html"> <br />
<frame name="content"<br />
src="content.html"<br />
scrolling="auto"><br />
<br />
<br />
More Info:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->