Frames Problem!

Hello. I am creating a website that has a frames layout as follows:


Basically a header, a footer, links/navigation on the left, and the page in the center.

My problem now is that I created this site in a high resolution (1280*1024) and when viewed in 1024*768 (standard for a lot of PC's I think), the Links frame becomes scrollable which is very ugly, and since the height of the header and footer are fixed, the main content frame becomes very flat (narrow is not a problem).

My question now is: how do I assign fixed heights to the left (links/navigation) and the main content (center, right) so that if this webpage is viewed at a smaller resolution, the center and links frames are not individually scrollable, but that the ENTIRE page is scrollable (so the footer is not in sight, but at the bottom of the page).

I'm not sure if the above is clear so I will say it again: main content and links are no longer scrollable (even in 1280*1024) but the entire webpage is scrollable. The links and content frames have fixed heights, and if this heigh it larger than the window size, the footer goes down and the entire webpage is scrollable.

Thanks A LOT for your help!To better help you please post your code and css for the main page or a link to the site.<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

top: header.html
bottom: footer.html
left: blocks.html
center: main.htmlif this is not possible at all, please tell me, cause im trying millions of things :P