Frames On top?


Hi,<br />
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I have a frameset with two frames. In one frame i hava webb page with a menu. The second frame contains the page u choose from the menu. Now to my problem. The menu in the top frame is not "on top". The bottom frame is "on top" and i cant see all my child nodes to my menu. How can i make the menu or frame on top so that I always can see the different menu options?<br />
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Regards<br />
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/Daniel<!--content-->If I understand you correctly, you have a drop down menu in your top frame that is being hidden by your bottom frame? If that is correct, no, you can't have your menu "go over" the bottom frame.<!--content-->and that's another negative about frames.<br />
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obsessed upon by me here:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... eadid=3415</a><!-- m -->)<br />
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instead of using frames just have your menu (javascripted generated?) repeat on the top of every page.<br />
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just a thought<br />
k<!--content-->Originally posted by Damo <br />
How can i make the menu or frame on top so that I always can see the different menu options?<br />
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By using an iframe to insert the menu/top of the page into your main page.<!--content-->