Frames, little gaps between them


Good Morning (well it's morning here anyhow)<br />
<br />
I am building a sit using frames and am having trouble with little gaps between them.<br />
<br />
I have a framed menu bar, with a dark background, a framed header, with the same dark color border, and a white background framed body.<br />
<br />
Between the menu bar and the header, I would like there to be no gap, but there is a small white gap(just a few pixels) that I can't get rid of.<br />
<br />
I have played with the framesize of the header frame, but that does not help, (initialy there was a much larger gap because the header frame was bigger than it's content).<br />
<br />
If anyone can help me with getting rid of this annoying little gap I would be most appreciative.<br />
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Attached is a copy of the offending code (if that helps)<br />
<br />
Cheers<br />
<br />
MC<!--content-->and here it is 1.00 am!<br />
<br />
here's your frameset:<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>Back In Health Centres</TITLE><br />
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="style_sheet_1.css"><br />
<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="style_sheet_2.css"><br />
</HEAD><br />
<br />
<FRAMESET rows="203,*" FRAMEBORDER="NO" border="0" FRAMESPACING="0"><br />
<FRAME SRC="headframe.htm" NAME="head"<br />
<br />
<FRAMESET cols="130,*"FRAMEBORDER="NO" border="0" FRAMESPACING="0"><br />
<br />
<FRAME SRC="homenav.htm" NAME="homenavbar" FRAMEBORDER="0"<br />
<br />
<FRAME SRC="homebody.htm" NAME="homebody" FRAMEBORDER="0" SCROLLING="Auto"<br />
<br />
<br />
</frameset><br />
</frameset><br />
</frameset><br />
<noframes><br />
<BODY><br />
</BODY><br />
</noframes><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
and if there are still some spaces you can edit the body of the files by this: <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"><br />
<br />
hope that helps you!<!--content-->Thanks Swon<br />
<br />
Top work at 0100!!!!<br />
<br />
I had just worked out the BORDER attribute before I logged back on, but I did not know about the FRAMESPACING attribute.<br />
<br />
I just love a simple fix!!<br />
<br />
Thanks again<br />
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