frames, flash, and transparent bg


hi,<br />
i've been searching everywhere but couldn't find a solution. I hope someone out there knows...<br />
my layout contains a transparent iframe and 1 of the pages in the iframe has 2 frames, top and bottom. The top is for the flash menu, the bottom is the targeted html pg. Both of these frames are transparent but when i put them together in a frameset they have a white there such thing as transparent framesets?? I've tried allowtransparency="true" which does nothing,and <body style="background-color:transparent;background-image:none;"> (my frameset inside here)</body> which wipes out the whole page. :bluescrn: <br />
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here's my frameset page<br />
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>dollz</TITLE></HEAD><br />
<frameset framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0"<br />
rows="60,*"><frame name="menu" <br />
target="main" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" <br />
marginheight="0" src="dollztop.html" ><frame name="main" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" <br />
scrolling="auto" src="dollzmain.html" target="_self"><br />
</frameset></HTML><br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
:)<!--content-->I don't think there is a transp.. attribute, Try matching your body or bgcolor in the frame src files... jaeman<!--content-->thanks for the quick reply! :D <br />
i sure wish there was such a code, are you positive? too bad i can't match the bg color b/c i have an image bg :rolleyes: <br />
that's just me, i try to be complicated as possible <br />
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;)<!--content-->How complex/detailed is the image, Why can't you use the image as the frame/s bg..? jaeman;)<!--content-->the whole layout is one big pix and the iframe is on the left side taking up about 75%...<br />
hmm..since i spent some time on that flash menu...maybe i'll take it outside of the iframe and use it as the whole layout's menu..not really what i wanted since i already have an image map.<!--content-->