frames (augh!)


I have a frames page which is moronically simple, yet the elements won't align (augh, why whyyyy?). Take a look at the url below. Though you can't really see, the top banner aligns with the bottom part, while the mid portion is skewed to the left. I'd really appreciate it if someone would look over my code and tell me what's wrong?<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
<br />
main.html<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<br />
<frameset rows="*,278,*,10%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"<br />
<frame src="top.html" name="top" scrolling=no noresize><br />
<frame src="mid.html" name="mid" noresize><br />
<frame src="bottom.html" name="bottom" scrolling=no noresize><br />
<frame src="blank.html" name="blank" scrolling=no noresize><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
<noframes><br />
<body><br />
<h2>This site requires frames</h2><br />
</body><br />
</noframes><br />
<br />
</html><br />
<br />
<br />
top.html<br />
<br />
<html><body bgcolor=000033 topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"<br />
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><br />
<br />
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center height=100% border=0><br />
<tr><td valign=bottom><img src="top.jpg"></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
<br />
</body></html><br />
<br />
<br />
mid.html<br />
<br />
<html><body bgcolor=000033 topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"<br />
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><br />
<br />
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center height=100% border=0><br />
<tr><td><img src="mid.jpg"></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
<br />
</body></html><br />
<br />
<br />
bottom.html<br />
<br />
<html><body bgcolor=000033 topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"<br />
marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"><br />
<br />
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 align=center height=100% border=0><br />
<tr><td valign=top><img src="bottom.jpg"></td></tr><br />
</table><br />
<br />
</body></html><!--content-->Using tables for layout is bad...<br />
Using frames for layout is even worth...<br />
This code however deserves some kind of award :D :D :D <br />
<br />
Here is an advice: delete all you got now and learn CSS.<!--content-->hi gin...<br />
<br />
i'll use an anology.<br />
<br />
suppose that i ask you to draw a square on a piece of paper.<br />
<br />
and then i tell you to divide the square into 4 parts.<br />
<br />
one of the parts should be 275 px wide.<br />
<br />
the width of another of the parts should be 10% of the original box.<br />
<br />
and i'm not going to tell you how wide you should make the other 2 parts....<br />
<br />
and now i want the finished box to look exactly the way that i am envisioning in MY head. <br />
<br />
how do you think YOU would do?<br />
<br />
you need to think like a browser.<br />
2 wildcards tell it nothing.<br />
and when you mix fixed-width with percentage-width to that mix....<br />
<br />
KABOOM!!!<br />
<br />
(ok... it's rows... so i should be saying height... not width. same difference).<br />
<br />
solution:<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->This is a stupid question, but why do you need 4 cells?<br />
Would it not be easier to use only three?<br />
<br />
Or is there a specific purpose for the use of four?<!--content-->What do you mean they don't align,please specify,<br />
<br />
BTW<br />
Please provide a solution to the problem if you can, instead of questioning otherwise.<br />
<br />
Thanks<!--content-->The problem is in the poster's approach. Solution (learn CSS) was provided.<br />
Here is an analogy:<br />
If a person was banging his head on a lamppost, would you tell him to make a step back and see the way around it or suggest to bang harder or use hammer instead of his head :rolleyes:<!--content-->Originally posted by khalidali63 <br />
BTW<br />
Please provide a solution to the problem if you can, instead of questioning otherwise<br />
<br />
khaki wrote:<br />
solution:<br />
(any questions?)<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
The problem is in the poster's approach. <br />
Though I agree with frames being not so lay out friendly,I do not consider my self as a judge to harshly dictate which approach could be or could not be right for some one.Its matter of choice and I think we should leave it like that.<!--content-->Using tables for layout is bad... <br />
Using frames for layout is even worth... <br />
=============<br />
I subsist on tables, though I agree with you about the frames. This is actually my first time using it :P However, this webpage isn't my design. I'm trying to change a 6-page website (which somehow manages to need over 1 Mb of jpegs) into something sane. Which means I have to use the bg for the middle section which won't tile, which means a static bg, which means frames. The CSS is a good idea, though, I'll have to look into that.<br />
<br />
But still, does anyone know what's wrong? Even if this is sucky webdesign, I'd still like to know what's the problem.<br />
<br />
solution: <br />
=============<br />
It doesn't work, it's still skewed. Besides, from what I understand of frames, whether or not I specify those two cells shouldn't matter. There's enough info there for the browser to calculate the row height.<br />
<br />
This is a stupid question, but why do you need 4 cells? <br />
Would it not be easier to use only three?<br />
=============<br />
Because it looks nicer when the table is sliiiightly higher on the page. A dumb reason, I know. but whether or not I add the 4th cell, I still get this problem.<br />
<br />
What do you mean they don't align,please specify<br />
=============<br />
Please look here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> <br />
The middle section is off to the left. Or maybe the top and bottom sections are off to the right. If you can't see it, I can't explain it further.<!--content-->solution: <br />
=============<br />
It doesn't work, it's still skewed. Besides, from what I understand of frames, whether or not I specify those two cells shouldn't matter. There's enough info there for the browser to calculate the row height. I think that my point is that you have an idea in your head as to how the page should look.<br />
Therefore are you giving the browser a fair chance at replicating that idea?<br />
(or are you assuming that it will sort it out exactly as you would expect? Because obviously... it's not. That's all I'm saying). <br />
<br />
But ultimately... is it allowed to mix percentage-width with static-width?<br />
:confused:<br />
<br />
however... one last thing:<br />
<br />
the link goes to a page that is not a working-version (the links have not been set-up, people aren't currently using it, etc)...<br />
so could you please make the frame borders visible so that no one has to be Sherlock Holmes to unlock the mystery? ;)<br />
<br />
personally i'm finding it hard to visually guess where the break-down is occuring (since i - like the browser - do know what it is supposed to look like).<br />
that would be a great help (and then you can turn-off the borders once it's all sorted-out)<br />
thanks.<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->Hello, I've solved the problem, by adding even -more- cells. Eh. Anyway, as long as this looks unstupid to the layman, it's just until I get the real site up. Thank you all for your willingness to help!<!--content-->