Frames and url


I am developing a site for a company and the thing is the layout requires the use of frames(well not requires but makes it alot easier for many reasons). Now the problem is I want the user to be able to bookmark the url of the frame they are on and not just the frameset page. So is there anyway to do this by using HTML or JavaScript.<br />
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Oh and I know what you are saying to yourself, "If they bookmark the frame and come back they won't have the menu frames". Well I already found a way around this problem, so I just need to be ablr to get the bookmark set<br />
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So is there a way to modify what is in the address bar when the page loads or something<!--content-->if I am not misteken and you bookmark th eframe it deos book mark the frame and not the frameset. so it all reality it should bookmark the index.html file, not the right or left frame<!--content-->Actually I tested it and if you bookmark it just takes the url which is in the address bar and not the one of the page in the frame so it always bookmarks the frameset<!--content-->I had tha tbackwards. i tshould bookmark the frameset and not the frame. so if you book mark a url it will be a index.html insted of main.html. so if you book mark <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> you get and not<br />
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so yes I was right and just backwards. you will bookmark the frmaeset and NOT the frame<!--content-->So what if I want the user to be able to book mark the frame and not the frameset<!--content-->then don't use frames<!--content-->