Frames and PopOut


I have a page with 2 frames. The upper frame has a pop out menu that pops out to bottom but does not crossover to the bottom frame.<br />
Does anyone know how to make the menu crossover on the lower frame?<br />
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Thanks in Advance<!--content-->what the heck is a pop-out menu?<br />
Is this some Java thing?<br />
Is this page up anywhere, I'd like to see what you mean.<!--content-->you can take a look at <br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->Yes, look further down on dhtml reference page.. one of their earlier articles had a frames version (not as fancy as the latest version, but workable).<br />
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There are other choices then webreference for example.<br />
I use this one myself (very easy to configure and it works with frames, too):<br />
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