frames AFTER opening html-site ??


I made my sites into 3 frames:<br />
<br />
Upper Frame- Navigation menu<br />
left Frame - categories of articles<br />
right Frame- content of the article<br />
<br />
When I find one of my site p.e. in lycos, yahoo, the site starts without the frames.<br />
It is possible with 鍒綼rent.frames.length?to calculate if the site is opened in a frame. But how I can create the frames <br />
before starting the desired site ?<!--content--><!--content-->Yes, the frame-site is open ?but how can I start after that automatically the page/pages into the frames ?<br />
<br />
The command <Windows.location.href=> force the end of <br />
the desired page .....<br />
<br />
thanks,<!--content-->Sorry, I don纾