Frame target positioned??


I am trying a simple frameset of two frames. The frame on the left has thumbnail pics in it(at 25%,*), and the frame on the right is the target for them to arrive in full size.<br />
Problem is:<br />
How do I get the full size pic to arrive in the center of that frame???<br />
(by percentage, so the eefect works in any window size)<br />
Please Help<br />
Thaddeus.<!--content-->First of all you have to name the frames. Create different pages with different images and give links to all those pages from left frame images targetting right frame. LIKE<br />
<br />
<br />
<a href="big1.html" target="rightFrame"><img src="small1.gif" alt="Small 1"></a><br />
<br />
You can do i through javascript also.<!--content-->Now create a table of 100% height an 100% width with 1 td and align center and vertical align middle. Place enlarged image in that TD. It will be at the middle of the page. Then call this HTML page into the right frame, when you click on the left frame image.<br />
<br />
I think it will solv your problem.<!--content-->O Man that was a great response. Of course. <br />
I'll call an HTML page, (not an image) and put the image in the page aligned how I want.<br />
Wow,<br />
I had never used frames before, the answer was so obvious that I missed it.<br />
Thanks for your help.<!--content-->