Frame sizes


Hi,<br />
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I have a problem with the following,<br />
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3 Frames that are split as follows:<br />
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TOP frame carries the main header graphic (800px's wide), BOTTOM frame is split into two frames side by side.<br />
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LEFT frame carries the navigational graphics (106px's wide), RIGHT frame carries the content (694px's wide).<br />
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My problem is as follows:<br />
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I am working at a screen resolution of 1400x1050, if I set the left frame size to 106px's, the right edge of the left frame lines up with the right edge of the navigation graphics in the left frame.<br />
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Now, if I change screen resolution to 800x600, the left frame needs to be 180px's in order to fully display the navigation graphics, but these graphics are only 106px's wide.<br />
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So if I set the left frame to 180 in order to view at 800x600, and I switch back to 1400x1050, there is a large gap between the right edge of the navigation graphics and the right edge of the frame.<br />
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I was under the impression that a pixel is a pixel is a pixel, and setting the frame size to a set number of pixels would result in that size being maintained regardless of the browser window size, or screen res. - obviously I am wrong.<br />
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What I need is to be able to set the size of the left frame to exactly that of the navigational graphics regardless of the viewing screen res.<br />
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Can anyone out there help?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Paul<!--content-->try recalculating your frames to take up 780 pixel width instead of 800. The viewing area of an 800 x 600 resolution screen is a bit snaller than that in a browser window. You may also be experiencing loss of pixels because of scroll bars or frameborders or margins, hard to say without seeing a live example.<br />
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You might want to also use the wild card width for all but the left nav frame "*".<!--content-->The wild card solved it.<br />
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Before I posted, I was also trying out a fourth frame to the right of the frame holding the content. This was just empty but I was trying to force the vertical scroll bar of the content frame closer to the content when viewed on higher res's. The idea worked, but impacted on the left frame.<br />
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By taking out the 'dummy' frame, and setting the content frame size to '*', the navigation graphics sit nicely whatever screen res is being used.<br />
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Just means that on hgih res's the scroll bar is out on the right, well away from the content.<br />
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Have to do I suppose.<br />
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Thanks for the quick reply.<br />
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